Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Morphological studies -project1

2.5. Morphological studies

2.5.1. Wide Angle X-Ray Diffraction (WAXD)

Wide angle X-Ray diffraction (WXRD) analysis was carried out using X-Ray diffractometer (Philips X’Pert MPD, Japan) which had a graphite monochromatic and a Cu Ka radiation source operated at 40KV and 30mA. The basal spacing or (d001) reflection of the samples was calculated from Bragg’s equation by monitoring the diffraction angle, 2q from 1-10°.

2.5.2. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)

For TEM observation, the samples were microtomed at low temperature (-55°C) using Leica Ultracut Scryo-microtome (Japan) equipped with diamond knife. Ultra thin sections (ca.40 nm, prepared from 3mm thick plates) were examined using a Philips CM 12 (Netherland) Transmission Electron Microscope using an acceleration voltage of 12kV.

2.5.3. Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)

FTIR spectra of virgin PBAT and MA-g-PBAT/C30B, MA-g-PBAT/B109 and MA-g-PBAT/C20A bio-nanocomposites grafted with MA were recorded using Perkin-Elmer 1720X,UK) spectrometer. Each spectrum was obtained by co-adding 64 consecutive scans with a resolution of 4 cm-1 within the range of 500 - 4000cm-1. The samples were studied using two different methods. The FTIR analysis of virgin PBAT and PBAT grafted nanocomposite hybrids were studied using KBr pallet method. A uniform and continuous film was formed on the disk until the solvent was completely evaporated.

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